64.45 €
poids : 111g
Mucuna has a reputation for reliably lifting mood and enhancing sexual function. It is also increasingly being described as a "Jing Tonic". In Oriental medicine and Daoist Herbalism, a Jing Tonic nourishes and rebuilds our "Jing" or essence. Jing is stored in the kidneys and is the most dense physical matter within the body, it is the combination of our congenital energy (very close to the western DNA) and present constitution. Mucuna is an excellent source for nourishing Jing in modern living.
Sans huiles essentielles | Vegan | Gluten free
Add 1/2 teaspoon (2 grams) to water or tea!
Excellent addition to milk potions, elixirs, smoothies, raw treats, busy schedules,
soup and everything !
The smoky caramel flavor of Mucuna makes it a delicious addition to Raw Cacao Creations and social alchemy.
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